
Need Help With Fat Loss? Discover Our Lipolysis Injections

Are you ready to finally get rid of those pesky love handles? Lipolysis injections can help you achieve the slim, contoured waistline you've been dreaming of. Unlike traditional methods such as diet and exercise, lipolysis injections target specific areas of fat deposits and break them down, allowing the body to eliminate them through natural processes.

The results can be dramatic, and patients often see a significant reduction in the size of their problem areas after just a few treatments.
So why wait any longer? Book an appointment today for lipolysis treatment near you and start seeing results!

mesotherapy injection of the abdominal area

Everything You Need To Know About DC Lipolysis

Revitalize Medical Spa has always been at the forefront of offering the latest and greatest treatments to our clients. So, we are excited to announce that we will now be offering DC treatments! DC treatments, similar to Kybella®, are a revolutionary way to eliminate fat cells from the body. The treatment involves injecting a solution into the fat cells, which then breaks down the cell walls and causes the fat to be released from the body. 

If you're looking for an alternative to surgery, lipolysis injections may be the right choice for you.

At Revitalize Aesthetics MedSpa, we can treat the following areas:

  • Lower Chin
  • Stomach
  • Arms
  • Inner Thighs
  • Love Handles
  • And More!

Benefits of Lipolysis

Are you struggling to lose weight, despite diet and exercise? If so, lipolysis injections could be the answer for you. Below, we share the benefits of lipolysis injections and how they can help you achieve your weight loss goals!

  • Reduces Size of Fat Cells

    Another benefit of Lipolysis Injetions is that they can help reduce the size of fat cells. By targeting and destroying fat cells, Lipolysis injections can help give you a slimmer appearance. 

  • Non-Surgical

    One of the best things about Lipolysis injections is that they are non-surgical. This means there is no down time and you can resume your normal activities immediately after your treatment. 

  • Quick & Effective

    Lipolysis injections are also quick and effective. The entire treatment usually takes less than 30 minutes and you will start to see results within a few weeks. 

  • Minimal Side Effects

    The most common side effect associated with lipolysis injections is bruising or swelling at the injection site. Other potential side effects include pain, redness, and itching. These side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few days.

slim lady having but injection at beauty salon

FAQs About Lipolysis Injections

If you're considering lipolysis, you may have questions about the procedure. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions, along with answers.

  • How long do the results of lipolysis injections last?

    The results of lipolysis injections are permanent. However if someone were to gain a lot of weight in the future they can develop new fat cells.

  • Who is a good candidate?

    Patients should not expect to lose large amounts of weight with lipolysis injections. The goal of treatment is to improve body contouring and give the patient a more sculpted appearance. Patients who are close to their ideal body weight and have small areas of stubborn fat are typically good candidates for this treatment.

  • Are lipolysis injections safe?

    Yes, lipolysis injections are considered safe when performed by a trained medical professional. The most common side effects are temporary bruising and swelling at the injection site.

    If you’re interested in learning more about our lipolysis services in Cambridge or Ancaster, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and help you decide if this treatment is right for you.

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woman receiving a skin rejuvenation facial treatment

Increase Collagen Production With Microneedling

Smooth and tighten your skin with this revolutionary anti-aging procedure! Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin treatment that involves using a device to create tiny punctures in the skin. These punctures trigger the body's natural healing process, resulting in the production of new collagen and elastin. So if you're looking for a way to achieve beautiful, glowing skin, microneedling may be the perfect solution for you.

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